i see people on here hsting hee seo for all the rape that hes done and i agree with it too...

asdf March 2, 2025 12:04 am

i see people on here hsting hee seo for all the rape that hes done and i agree with it too. i still hope that the author will fix things up and the messy fucked up relationship that they have tho cuz they were really cute in season 1. everyone keeps mischarcterising them and focuses all on the bad parts of heeseo. he had trauma too and wanted someone to stay by his side and he finally found someone which is tae. but tae hid the fact that his stepmom was behind all the crimes just so heeseo wouldn't 'suffer' and get hurt finding out about the crimes just so heeseo wouldnt hate him too. think about the betrayal heeseo wouldve felt when finding out but still choosing to love tae because he took care of him and thought he loved him back. but then tae going and trying to leave heeseo just because the BITCH FUCKING MANIPULATIVE MUM who did the crimes (and tae knowing about them) was sick and needed tae 'by her side'. and despite knowing this, he still comes back 7 years later to tae and keep him by his side even if it means to confine him in an isolated home and grape him. tho not all thee sex they had were grape. if i remember correctly, at the start when tae first got kidnapped he was kinda up to some of it and wasnt exactly doing anything to get away. all the bad rape and stuff happened after tae finds out what was happening outside. dont ge me wrong i grape is still bad and shouldnt be done and im not exactly wanting to defend heeseo for it but he has trauma. he needs therapy. hes messed up in the head because of trauma and needs tae by his side. he's a red/black flag so obviously hes willing to do anything to keep tae by his side whether hes hurting him or not. people dont understand that a lot of bl manhwas ML have red/black flags. knowing this you still hate on them while knowing that thats the whole point of the story or relationship. its the POINT of it and yall still dont understand somehow.

but im not defending heeseo cuz i hate tae either. hes had his shit goin like being manipulated by his mother his whole life even tho wanting the best for heeseo but thinking it was all to waste cuz he had been keeping him by the leader of the crimes all along and trying to keep him safe. he only wanted the best for heeseo and thought it best to keep him away from his mother so he thought of separating them although heeseo didnt agree. he had to find out about his mothers crimes but not being able to do anything because of blackmail basically and his mother telling him that she was gonna die soon although that was a lie also. tae kept getting manipulated by everyone and is in the middle of all this mess. even getting accused of murder which i think the mother set up and heeseo knowing this tried to hide tae to protect him but also using it as an advantage to lock him up and force him by his side. thats just my theory but anyways, both heeseo and tae have their reason for not being that great. honestly they both are not amazing, not just heeseo or not just tae. but theyve both had their shit going on both are trying to do and achieve what they want for themselves just not in a very great way. but blame tae's mother. if she didnt exist and the whole plotline of the story changed where heeseos mother was still alive and tae was still in the village, all of them living happily then their relationship would be very different. its not great to accuse just one character and ignoring the other when both are equally messed up. the authors are doing this on purpose so i still hope they know how to turn it around and keep the story on track.

all this is just my thoughts so dont come hating. unless you have a valid reason to why you hatin on someone. but they wont work cuz i dont like ML and MC equally but i still like them. can you please just focus on the storyline if you dont like heeseo and tae so much. or just drop this manhwa instead of hating on the authors

    LeRain March 2, 2025 1:06 am

    Girlie stop please. You’re not about to defend a rapists and a guy who almost ended MC's life, right? You may frame this as not defending but what’s the point if you proceed to defend him. I think you need to take a step back and realise that people are entitled to voice their opinions as much as you. That includes hate towards certain characters. Hating Hee Seo is a normal reaction after all that he did.

    egojn March 2, 2025 4:53 am

    Girl why are you wasting your time? Do you really think this is going to make people like a crazy psycho rapist or ignore his actions? Better off letting people have their own opinions.

    justwannaread March 2, 2025 5:39 am

    This person could be or is a victim of abuse and will still sweep it under the rug because their abuser has 'trauma'. Bless you

    Valhalla March 2, 2025 4:27 pm

    This is not it