the plot is really really slow rn, like nothing is really happening somehow? also mieum‘...

dilfs March 1, 2025 11:24 pm

the plot is really really slow rn, like nothing is really happening somehow? also mieum‘s character is pretty much not even there. he’s become even more MIA than he was before. He’s just sleeping and lying around all the time hahaha

the art is kinda suffering as well (expect for the end, jitae looks GORGEOUS in the last scene)

    ImUrJk March 1, 2025 11:34 pm

    totally agree. But I also believe that Jitae is the focal point of the flow right now and actually the one who’s manipulating the situations, thus leaving mieum’s character at bay just like how he wants it to be.

    dilfs March 2, 2025 9:12 am
    totally agree. But I also believe that Jitae is the focal point of the flow right now and actually the one who’s manipulating the situations, thus leaving mieum’s character at bay just like how he wants it ... ImUrJk

    Very good point!