From this chapter, Yohan will rise a the king of the school, while getting really close to Jun.
Bc of this Jun end up as a big shot in the school until Yohan drop him (he has a valid reason) and it leads the whole school to bully and ostracized Jun.
Honestly it get bad enough Taesan has to talk to Jun to make him realized the full extend.
//up to the point I read they have kinda made up but it's clearly the quiet before the storm

okay so, at that point Yohan and Jun have been very close friends, Jun has even seen how Yohan has been neglected and ignored by his family when they're home.
this one time, Jun sees the family getting ready to eat without Yohan again and get so worked up he makes the family invite himself and in consequence Yohan to eat.
Sidenote- Yohan is absolutely terrified by his father
After the extremely tense dinner, Yohan has a full blow meltdown in his room and he attacks Jun, they end up fighting and it gets so bad Jun has to run away, not before Yohan swear to 'kill him' if he leaves
I haven't finished it yet, the story is kinda short + honestly it's much better as a novel, goes much more in depth of MC feelings & thoughts and y'all gonna need it--
TW clearly bullying and violence, I'd add child abuse and religious trauma +homophobia /obv
It only get worse from here, Junwoo is bad but Yoohan isn't much better (ignoring Jun own behavior)
idk if Yoohan's gonna have a change of heart from where I am currently in the novel, I'm hoping for it bc their chemistry is really good honestly