Since it’s officially finished now I gotta ask the big question..why do they have such w...

Valgreen March 1, 2025 6:22 pm

Since it’s officially finished now I gotta ask the big question..why do they have such weird names??! (It’s really beautiful tho) but why don’t they have typical Korean names? I remember seeing a version in another language where they had Korean names, is there a specific reason?

    Theore March 1, 2025 6:33 pm

    Official en translations are often are like that. They do have korean names and I usually call em by their korean name and not the en one

    Cirrus = Baek Hyunwoon
    Skylar = Yeon Haneul

    Not sure why Chan-il is still chan-IL but a good example would be ptj's lookism. The mc's kr name is 'Park Hyungseok' but their en name is 'Park Daniel'.

    My personal opinion is to make it easier to remember, since foreigners aren't so familiar with korean names

    Valgreen March 1, 2025 6:40 pm
    Official en translations are often are like that. They do have korean names and I usually call em by their korean name and not the en oneCirrus = Baek HyunwoonSkylar = Yeon HaneulNot sure why Chan-il is still c... Theore

    Oh! So did the author made that choice for the eng version or is it just the translator ?

    Theore March 1, 2025 10:44 pm
    Oh! So did the author made that choice for the eng version or is it just the translator ? Valgreen

    If the question js this, then I'm not too confident to answer it. Perhaps the translation team js the one who made the name, with the author's agreement? Cause their work is probably translated into multiple languages so can't have the author think if the name one by one lest the author js fired up

    Nobodyhome March 2, 2025 1:27 am

    It was actually explained during the Italian fair when Paskim visited lol It was done on purpose to make it even more obvious the connection between Skylar and Cirrus.

    In Korean Haneul means bright sky while Hyunwoon means cloud a type of cloud which is cirrus. It’s all connected and this was done in different languages as well for instance in JP we have Sora (sky) and Kirito