Super weird to accuse the other person of "planning to throw you away" when you're the one...

Mili March 1, 2025 4:53 pm

Super weird to accuse the other person of "planning to throw you away" when you're the one who did that... I really can't imagine finding out that you inspired the person you love to use you as a character model to be this hurtful in real life... this is so obviously not at all about the character. What a tool, this guy is.

    Nya Nya March 1, 2025 5:02 pm

    Have you seen juheon past ? He was constantly used by others when he was just a kid, and when he finally find someone with who he can be his true self with he learned that he used him against his consent, and he approached him not because of him but just because he found inspiration for a character model and then during almost all the relationship it was only one sided because the other wanted to observe him more in detail for his model character. I'm sorry but I would be pretty pissed too because I would feel that the person never cared about me in the first place but only for their novel character and I was just a experimental subject whose consent doesn't matter, so yeah Juheon is totally valid to feel that way.

    Sheatoocool March 1, 2025 5:06 pm
    Have you seen juheon past ? He was constantly used by others when he was just a kid, and when he finally find someone with who he can be his true self with he learned that he used him against his consent, and h... Nya Nya

    no seriously. The whole reason why hes reacting this way is because his whole life was just a means to an end for his peice of shit family. Not everyone would react this way because not everyone has worn his shoes, that is to say i also believe that what the mc did wasnt bad.

    Nya Nya March 1, 2025 5:13 pm
    no seriously. The whole reason why hes reacting this way is because his whole life was just a means to an end for his peice of shit family. Not everyone would react this way because not everyone has worn his sh... Sheatoocool

    Actually a lot of people would react this way maybe less extreme, because using someone for an art piece Project or writing project and they learn it by themselves that you did this without their consent is pretty damaging, and obviously if you do that what more can you do behind their backs so yeah you will lose the trust of the person, even if we like take of juheon pass, going to a person with the full intent of using them without telling them is messed up because it means the relationship was fake to begin with.