here are my thoughts: while it’s likely that guwon’s childlike behavior in front of j...

ivebeendeadb4 March 1, 2025 4:39 pm

here are my thoughts:
while it’s likely that guwon’s childlike behavior in front of jinwoo is not the full picture (given the reactions the townspeople have to his presence), i think we have reason to believe it isn’t a complete sham, either.
1. he’s obviously very strong. if he wanted to, he could easily have his way with jinwoo without all of this dillydallying, but it would seem that he DOES care how jinwoo is feeling and ultimately wants jinwoo to like him. given guwon’s seemingly broken moral compass and lack of common sense, i don’t know why he would’ve taken jinwoo’s wishes to heart and chosen to wait until he was ready if guwon was just planning on becoming forceful with jinwoo in the end. basically, i doubt he has the foresight to intentionally lull jinwoo into a false sense of security before jumping on him—if he wanted to jump on him, he’d just do it. on the contrary, i think he ACTUALLY wants jinwoo to feel comfortable around him.
2. based on this author’s history, it seems likely that guwon will be a considerate character who has a good heart in spite of misdeeds. we can see how guwon has a soft spot for children, given the fact that he accepted jinwoo solely because he was a teacher, and the kids needed an education. he continues to do little acts of kindness for jinwoo in a way that feels somewhat similar to what beom gunwoo did for yeo eui-joon in dangerous convenience store.
3. if we take guwon’s reaction to jinwoo’s statement in chapter 7 at face value, it would seem that guwon is drawn to jinwoo because he was the only person who really saw him. most of the other townspeople appear to be afraid of guwon. regardless of what is really happening beneath the surface, i believe guwon has some humanity that had yet to be seen or understood before jinwoo came along and treated him like a person. it’s clear that jinwoo is giving guwon a chance before making any negative assumptions in a way that others may not have, and guwon is clinging to that chance.
