This story hits so close too home cz this is a reality that happens to so many women worldwide. That bitch stole years of her life. To me the cheating is the final nail on the coffin but it doesn't beat him trapping her and using her love for him against her.
As for taeha bless his heart. He could have been a basic second love interest who forces things to happen and proclaim himself her saviour but he lets her feel her pain at her own time. He lets her be the woman she needs to be for herself. He encourages her fall in love with herself and be confident. He wants to interfere but even he knows it's not his place to speed run her getting over her evil ex. I love how patient he is with her. He is such a breath of fresh air. I read a lot of BLS and I just hate how second love interests on that side are never patient with the MC and just push them to get over it as if it ain't hard letting go of someone you love. God bless taeha.
This story hits so close too home cz this is a reality that happens to so many women worldwide. That bitch stole years of her life. To me the cheating is the final nail on the coffin but it doesn't beat him trapping her and using her love for him against her.
As for taeha bless his heart. He could have been a basic second love interest who forces things to happen and proclaim himself her saviour but he lets her feel her pain at her own time. He lets her be the woman she needs to be for herself. He encourages her fall in love with herself and be confident. He wants to interfere but even he knows it's not his place to speed run her getting over her evil ex. I love how patient he is with her. He is such a breath of fresh air. I read a lot of BLS and I just hate how second love interests on that side are never patient with the MC and just push them to get over it as if it ain't hard letting go of someone you love. God bless taeha.