I have mixed feelings with this story. On one side, the fl looks strong. But on the other,...

Yiss March 1, 2025 12:48 pm

I have mixed feelings with this story. On one side, the fl looks strong. But on the other, she is quite in distress aswell. This story has been a big rollercoaster

    Minchiyu March 1, 2025 1:03 pm

    The og fl suffered mental abuse and s3xu4l harassment for her whole married life, I dont really remember when she got married but judging by how old fashioned people are it was the norm to marry young for women. Those stuff dont just disappear in a day, a month, not even a few years. These stuff are etched deeply in some people and she never got proper counciling for these stuff, she only changed to be annarose who is this perfect woman thats strong and witty but in the end her now and her back then still have the same conciousness. Its normal to be distressed when facing all the trauma you had before and realizing that you werent the one at fault for all these stuff.

    Saphir March 1, 2025 1:29 pm

    Yo know she wasn't strong before and just act for her vengeance...but do not forget that you can't fundamentally change who you truly are...in her cAse she was to naive and gentle to truly become a vengeful expert

    Kaizenix March 1, 2025 4:52 pm

    She's not strong. That's one of the main point of the story. She's not strong, so she's trying to get stronger, breaking out of her shell, our of her like as Leticia.