Yessssss girl, don't let one punk ass bitch stop you from experiencing others. I don't know what yall are talking about, no matter how the author paints the red hair guy a cheat is still a cheat. He isn't only a cheat, he believes when he is done playing around he can still go back to her and she'd accept him. Fuck that bitch, get out of here with that bullshit "he wasn't always like that" fuck that!!!
Yessssss girl, don't let one punk ass bitch stop you from experiencing others. I don't know what yall are talking about, no matter how the author paints the red hair guy a cheat is still a cheat. He isn't only a cheat, he believes when he is done playing around he can still go back to her and she'd accept him. Fuck that bitch, get out of here with that bullshit "he wasn't always like that" fuck that!!!