Ch19 was infurtiating

SiamesePen March 1, 2025 8:54 am

Why would the ml dismiss a woman in danger and leave her to walk home alone. Even to try and get a movie reunion with his crush. Priorities! Useless men. >:(

    SiamesePen March 1, 2025 9:00 am

    Ch20 makes the Mc seem so heartless and selfish too. He literally looks at a news headline of someone being stabbed by a stalker and thinks "why would the ml run to help someone like that instead of looking at me? :("

    SiamesePen March 1, 2025 9:21 am

    Ch26, the FL is crossing the line trying to pressure the ml to be intimate with her. Her going through stuff doesn't mean she's entitled to someone's affection. She needs normal friends to support her, or a partner that actually cares about her, or family. It's sad she's alone. But don't become a molestor..