I hope the author stubs their toe on every sharp desk they ever come across. This ml is the best they could come up with!?!? Neglect is a form of abuse people! What makes anyone think anything would be any different if she went back with him!?!? To him, she's just a trophy to further his reputation! That's literally his only reason why he's now stalking her! Be happy that assault is a crime cause I would have beat his ass for showing up in front of me like that!
I hope the author stubs their toe on every sharp desk they ever come across. This ml is the best they could come up with!?!? Neglect is a form of abuse people! What makes anyone think anything would be any different if she went back with him!?!? To him, she's just a trophy to further his reputation! That's literally his only reason why he's now stalking her! Be happy that assault is a crime cause I would have beat his ass for showing up in front of me like that!