I seriously

sweety1997 March 1, 2025 5:51 am

cannot not despise the Chairman. He is an asshole. The reason he never stopped that bitch is because deep down he was split in two. A part of him actually believed like her. He knew from the beginning what she was doing. That Diana was right. But he let her be, because deep down he believed everything she did.

It's this thing, about when you want something and the first person comes offering you all you want, you let them be as long as they give you what you want from them. Playing ignorant for the wrongs they commit.

It is something humans actually do in real life. Like those who followed Hitler. Those who follow neo-Nazi Afd now. Those who follow Trump. Those who sympathise with Billionaires. People who know that most chocolate is farmed by child slavery and still eat chocolate made by child slavery. Those who know Nestle steals water from Africa and causes people there to suffer and die because they cannot access their own water and still buy Nestle. it goes on and on. Primark customers and all the other corporations known to exploit and harm people to make products for others cheap and easy. It goes on and on.

Humans know, but they excuse it and ignore it, because it serves them. That is what I believe Chairman is meant to be in this world. He killed his own parents, so he hates himself and projects that onto the world. He wants to fully control people with superpowers. But he believes himself to be good, so he cannot harm them. Wants to force them "either be good, submit to me and be an officer" or " be a villain". He ignored and looks away what that hag did for decades. Who knows how much evil she committed that is implied, but not shown. He abetted her crimes, by ignoring. By not looking. By never asking and observing her. That is still abetting.

Man...I never liked him. But I dislike him more and more the more I read. I know people down bad like him in real life. They make you feel so slimy and sticky. Because they are good, but also evil af. So you like the, but you want to stay 100km away from them at the same time.
