
Katak (certified hater) March 1, 2025 3:51 am

yea ig what's ml's feeling is valid too plus considering his trauma and all that but holy shit it must've been fucking EXHAUSTING to be mc. everyone's putting their emotional baggage onto you while you yourself CANT even fucking understand emotions. like that's tiring asf. I'm so tired reading everyone in this story completely disregarding what mc's feeling just bc he can't and do not know how to show it. he's been dealing with everyone's issues and he's stuck solving his own issues himself bc ml and others are already so caught up in their own shit. but still, this relationship was nvr stable nor equal cus ml still haven't been trying to understand mc like at all. it's pretty obv he has problems with understanding "normal people" (neurotypicals) 's social cues and morals, but no one made an effort to know why he's the way he is. and i think STILL TO THIS DAY, after reading the raws months ago, that mc deserves better. sure ml has his rights to be feeling what he is feeling but man what kinda main character syndrome ahh dialogue and monologue, "everyone always approaches me with secret intentions", pooks, that's literally how human relationships works, you ain't that special or rare but oh well. it's like watching a 12y/o discover school drama

    Katak (certified hater) March 1, 2025 4:01 am

    oh and disclaimer, if you wanna fight me on ml's rights to express his emotions and rage and disappointment or whatever, dont. i already thought abt it but i genuinely just don't think it's that srs for him compared to what mc hv been through plus people hv said this but ml hv been chased by mc and nvr made the same effort even after they got into a relationship. so yea no

    drunkdazed March 1, 2025 4:04 am

    agree. the mc is no saint but this is entirely hard to read

    Koya March 1, 2025 6:28 am

    Nah fr like it's so annoying to see people wanting mc to behave like a neurotypical when he is Not one, it's so clear, give bro time he's trying to understand, but nah let's just blame him for everything