ugh the thing is, haewon never saw joohyuk as a father figure, and it's not grooming because joohyuk never once made a move on haewon in any shape or form. nor incest/pseudo incest. and he's not even a human
It’s just weird, that’s all. Like is it morally wrong in societies eyes? Yes, but there’s nothing illegal about it compared to some of the shit that’s on here
It’s just weird, that’s all. Like is it morally wrong in societies eyes? Yes, but there’s nothing illegal about it compared to some of the shit that’s on here big back
that's what im saying! it's weird alright, but did they forget that this is fictional and FANTASY??? not that im justifying this trope but no one's forcing y'all to read this. and they're taking this way too seriously i can't lmfaoooo.
that's what im saying! it's weird alright, but did they forget that this is fictional and FANTASY??? not that im justifying this trope but no one's forcing y'all to read this. and they're taking this way too se... yura (extended version)
Exactly, and half of these people don’t even look up the definition of these words
ugh the thing is, haewon never saw joohyuk as a father figure, and it's not grooming because joohyuk never once made a move on haewon in any shape or form. nor incest/pseudo incest. and he's not even a human