Why do y'all make it sound like Juhyeok instigated all this? It's Lee Haewon who wanted this relationship. Lee Haewon NEVER saw Juhyeok as a parent in the first place. There's nothing incestuous about them, they're NOT related. Juhyeok agreed to the partnership only because of the rut cycle. He understands that if didn't find a partner for Lee Haewon, the latter would be in pain and suffer throughout the period. If it wasn't for it, I doubt he'd even consider it. Although Lee Haewon is only 3 years old, he's already considered an adult by Sooin standards.
Why do y'all make it sound like Juhyeok instigated all this? It's Lee Haewon who wanted this relationship. Lee Haewon NEVER saw Juhyeok as a parent in the first place. There's nothing incestuous about them, they're NOT related. Juhyeok agreed to the partnership only because of the rut cycle. He understands that if didn't find a partner for Lee Haewon, the latter would be in pain and suffer throughout the period. If it wasn't for it, I doubt he'd even consider it. Although Lee Haewon is only 3 years old, he's already considered an adult by Sooin standards.