I hope Shima’s little brother grows up learning the mother’s abuse towards Shima and hating the mom for it. Leave the mom alone with no child staying with her at the end idk I think thats the best karma for the abusive mom
I mean I'd argue her having a healthy relationship with both her kids, maybe also repenting and doing her best to make it up to her older son while raising her younger kid more kindly would be better than her kid hating her but you do you boo
I mean I'd argue her having a healthy relationship with both her kids, maybe also repenting and doing her best to make it up to her older son while raising her younger kid more kindly would be better than her k... Cleopatra
i mean thats what im doing boo wishing what /I/ want, not yours but okayy
I hope Shima’s little brother grows up learning the mother’s abuse towards Shima and hating the mom for it. Leave the mom alone with no child staying with her at the end idk I think thats the best karma for the abusive mom