Classic narcissist, the red head guy only cares what other does for him, ma...
Mincheol is a well written character. He has complex thoughts, he does thin...
Oh my god I think I’m gonna cry from reading this. Mincheol’s characte...
I would have loved minchoel if he didn't turn out shit He and heaso would ...
I want to get angry with these tender flashbacks with Mincheol, but I think they're necessary to show that he consciously made the the decision to hurt, and to continue hurting Haesoo. It's a reminder to the reader that he's a narcissist who gets off on the idea of perpetually hurting and making Haesoo cry and long for him.
The story pulsates in emotional realism and the way each image is presented is purposeful. I love Na Haesoo in this chapter so much. I think her last few panels convey a person that was deeply hurt, and her reaction and self resolution at the end speaks for a lot of people who have gone through the same hurt and betrayal by someone they deeply loved.