Both of these idiots end up thinking the other is cheating. Hyuk sees Hyobin in the a car being dropped off hy that manager guy looking like they are kissing. And Hyobin first sees some other dude passed out drunk lying next to Hyuk, than later he shows up at one of Hyuk's shows to surprise him bit backstage sees what looks like Hyuk kissing the same guy. Of course they reality is was just bad angles, manager was helping Hyobin with a seat belt that wouldn't release, and Hyuk was helping the other guy with his piercing. Finally in the fifth chapter they will talk it out.
SPOILERS next 3 chapters
Both of these idiots end up thinking the other is cheating. Hyuk sees Hyobin in the a car being dropped off hy that manager guy looking like they are kissing. And Hyobin first sees some other dude passed out drunk lying next to Hyuk, than later he shows up at one of Hyuk's shows to surprise him bit backstage sees what looks like Hyuk kissing the same guy. Of course they reality is was just bad angles, manager was helping Hyobin with a seat belt that wouldn't release, and Hyuk was helping the other guy with his piercing. Finally in the fifth chapter they will talk it out.