Let me know if I should get into this realistically, because I usually gauge a read from the first few chapters,I read until chapter 3 but I wasn't feeling it so I went to gauge based on the comments section and current chapter, and from what I see fl seems a bit unnecessary(rude and extra, a short no thankyou would have sufficed but she just told her whole damn life story to the crowd)and my view from the first 3 chapters she has the personality of a overripe tomato. So should I read this?
I like it cuz i like that troupe of like "chasing a shy husband". FL seems cold in the first 3 ch but thats not the case. Her socialization skills are kinda negative. Theres another slightly angsty troupe/cliche that is in here(and that i love) but that would b a big spoiler to share.
Let me know if I should get into this realistically, because I usually gauge a read from the first few chapters,I read until chapter 3 but I wasn't feeling it so I went to gauge based on the comments section and current chapter, and from what I see fl seems a bit unnecessary(rude and extra, a short no thankyou would have sufficed but she just told her whole damn life story to the crowd)and my view from the first 3 chapters she has the personality of a overripe tomato. So should I read this?