i get it, sisyphus’s hounds r the towns people in this case because they’re under him,...

noot noot February 28, 2025 9:50 pm

i get it, sisyphus’s hounds r the towns people in this case because they’re under him, they’re not equals to him and they all are under the rule of equality, just not equal TO him like how his home is the highest above all their houses -> proving false sense equality!
they all have to work -> hounds/dogs. even how he referred to the teacher as his favorite puppy
Sisyphus was known to be clever and deceitful in Greek mythology, BUT he was also known to be hubris aka he thought he was EQUAL or BETTER THAN gods, hence he tricked them but he got found out and was eventually punished to roll a boulder up a hill for all eternity for tricking death and gods. It’s a lot more so y’all should read this up urselves bc the story will be a lot more interesting!

for more theories refer to other commenters!!
