the plot is total shit, all the author wants to write is soft-core r^pe, and this is sugar coating it.. art is genuinely beautiful, its sad authornim is a creep who just wants to write abt literal stalking / harassment / blackmail - the likes of it
people who arent dropping atp are just coping hard and mindfucking themselves to believe it'll get better from this point on because jaekyung is just a boy!!!111!!! :P

So true. This story was just okay at first, but as more chapters came out, it became clear how weird both the author and the fans are. The story is absolute trash. Props to the art, but everything else is awful.
What’s even enjoyable about watching a guy get assaulted every damn chapter, only for the bad guy to be forgiven in the end? Lol. 12 people disliked my comment just because I didn’t say I liked a bottom getting assaulted.
Tacky and completely corn—no plot, just like the author's previous works. No character development is happening, so it's not worth the read. Now I feel cringed—why did I even make it this far?