YIDAM MIGHT BE PREGNANT!! And sunwoo has been in love with yidam FOR YEARS! he fell in love with pretty yidam on the bus ;-; sunwoo being a green flag and saying he’s going to support yidam no matter what he wants to do about the baby I-
Also sunwoos „ex“ IS A CRAZY BITCH. He spread extremely harmful rumors and even tried to kill/criple sunwoo after hearing about sunwoo‘s crush for yidam.
YIDAM MIGHT BE PREGNANT!! And sunwoo has been in love with yidam FOR YEARS! he fell in love with pretty yidam on the bus ;-; sunwoo being a green flag and saying he’s going to support yidam no matter what he wants to do about the baby I-
Also sunwoos „ex“ IS A CRAZY BITCH. He spread extremely harmful rumors and even tried to kill/criple sunwoo after hearing about sunwoo‘s crush for yidam.