
Mistress_RA February 28, 2025 6:03 am

It's very interesting how people throw words all willy nilly spreading disinformation. I don't know if they just want to appear intelligent to gain attention/clout or if they are only going by what other's said and is running away with it. But in any case people should look up and gain an understanding on the meaning of grooming and when it's applicable. In some manwha a few post are spot on. However, in this instance, grooming doesn't apply here. In NO way, shape, form or fashion did the ML establish an emotional connection with the intention of fkn the MC. Chapter one is proof. Not only chapter one but all the way to chapter 6. ML is NO dmn pedo. He raised him as family the best way he knew how, giving every consideration. ML says as much. AND for people to compare the age of a Sooin to real ppl is ridiculous. Even in rl, animal age faster than humans. And for the sake of this manwha he is FULLY grown with ANIMAL characteristics and attributes. With that being said is subject to ruts. I find it ridiculous to even insinuate any grooming after chapter one. Luckily I remembered the type of ppl who post and decided to read anyway. It's a decent story with a decent storyline so far. I can't wait for next updates.ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ Ijs, people should look up the meaning of words and in what context to use them before posting like they know what they're talking about. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    PalleDeLeche February 28, 2025 6:35 am

    Stand by your words then, would you fuck ur dad? Do you think it's okay for grown people to bang their parental units?

    Bbtymn February 28, 2025 7:50 am
    Stand by your words then, would you fuck ur dad? Do you think it's okay for grown people to bang their parental units? PalleDeLeche

    He doesnt see him as a parental figure tho its one sided

    PalleDeLeche February 28, 2025 8:00 am
    He doesnt see him as a parental figure tho its one sided Bbtymn

    Stand by your words then, would you fuck your grown child? Would you fuck your dog?

    anonfujo February 28, 2025 8:26 am
    Stand by your words then, would you fuck your grown child? Would you fuck your dog? PalleDeLeche

    Cancel culture loves putting words in peoples mouth like that

    Bbtymn February 28, 2025 8:37 am
    Cancel culture loves putting words in peoples mouth like that anonfujo

    He changed his settings so no one can reply to him what a child

    PalleDeLeche February 28, 2025 8:53 am
    Cancel culture loves putting words in peoples mouth like that anonfujo

    Yeah, just like my dick in your mouth. Must taste good huh?

    PalleDeLeche February 28, 2025 8:58 am
    He changed his settings so no one can reply to him what a child Bbtymn

    You wish I were a child since that's clearly what ur into, gotta keep myself safe from predators like you >o<

    Jay February 28, 2025 11:03 am
    You wish I were a child since that's clearly what ur into, gotta keep myself safe from predators like you >o< PalleDeLeche

    ??? What is wrong with you and your mindset, i get your point but nobody said they wished you were a child, your replies are so childish (NO I AM NOT ATTRACTED TO KIDS. In case you try to do that with my reply too.) just because they called you a child it doesn’t necessarily mean they wish you were a child or that they’re attracted to kids. Not even once have they left any comment that makes it sound like they are so where are you getting that from? Perhaps rage bait? Because that is what it sounds like. Also nowhere in the manhwa is it showing joohyuk wanting to fuck haewon, it’s all one sided. Joohyuk literally said he can’t see Haewon as a romantic partner as he only sees his as the sooin(?) he helped, while Haewon sees him as the only person who could be his partner(mate), neither Joohyuk wants to “fuck” or in this case get fucked by the cub he “raised” and neither does Haewon see him as family. I’m not trying to pick a fight, I’m simply stating facts in case you can’t read properly.

    leenseoh February 28, 2025 1:36 pm
    You wish I were a child since that's clearly what ur into, gotta keep myself safe from predators like you >o< PalleDeLeche

    get help...

    rachel February 28, 2025 2:02 pm
    Yeah, just like my dick in your mouth. Must taste good huh? PalleDeLeche

    Oh my gawd.... Something is really wrong with u why are you even here at the first place if u don't like it...

    iryy February 28, 2025 2:19 pm
    Stand by your words then, would you fuck ur dad? Do you think it's okay for grown people to bang their parental units? PalleDeLeche

    bakit may ubo utak mong kupal ka, FICTION nga diba so bakit mo icocompare yung situation in real life, tanga ka ba para hindi malaman yung difference ng fiction and real life??????

    iryy February 28, 2025 2:22 pm

    to translate : it is FICTION, so why would you compare the situation in real life? are you dumb that you don’t even know the difference of fiction and real life????

    oh ayan, saksak mo yan sayo para mawala na ubo mo

    Babushka_80 February 28, 2025 2:45 pm
    Yeah, just like my dick in your mouth. Must taste good huh? PalleDeLeche


    who is dis diva February 28, 2025 3:09 pm
    You wish I were a child since that's clearly what ur into, gotta keep myself safe from predators like you >o< PalleDeLeche

    LMAOO you ate!!

    PalleDeLeche February 28, 2025 4:22 pm
    ??? What is wrong with you and your mindset, i get your point but nobody said they wished you were a child, your replies are so childish (NO I AM NOT ATTRACTED TO KIDS. In case you try to do that with my reply ... Jay

    Oh, my bad. "Oh noooo this dog child that's been in my care for two years is REALLY horny, guess I have absolutely no other choice" makes a lot of sense and isn't weird or disgusting in any capacity. But y'all go ahead and keep commenting with your facts, makes the block list just that much longer.

    Fei February 28, 2025 5:34 pm
    Stand by your words then, would you fuck ur dad? Do you think it's okay for grown people to bang their parental units? PalleDeLeche

    Gurly stfu ahdhdhja this is so funny how are you pulling this out of your ass after reading this post lmaoo hoooow you're acting like op said fuck ur dad tehee lmaooo the dumbness in this comment section is killing mehshdhaj

    Fei February 28, 2025 5:38 pm
    Oh, my bad. "Oh noooo this dog child that's been in my care for two years is REALLY horny, guess I have absolutely no other choice" makes a lot of sense and isn't weird or disgusting in any capacity. But y'all ... PalleDeLeche

    whdhfhhshagddha what are you the purity police what do you gain huh a superior borner this is straight up ridiculous oh booy op don't mind them just enjoy the story at least some of us are actual adults i guess lmao

    PalleDeLeche February 28, 2025 6:08 pm
    Gurly stfu ahdhdhja this is so funny how are you pulling this out of your ass after reading this post lmaoo hoooow you're acting like op said fuck ur dad tehee lmaooo the dumbness in this comment section is kil... Fei

    Aw, is ajdjajdjaj code for you would fuck ur dad too? Or do you prefer kids you raise who want to have sex with you? Guess I wouldn't know what actual adults like you prefer since I'm not into reading father figure age gap furry porn like you are. Chin up babe, all the shotacons, incest lovers, and "stepbro I'm stuck" watchers on mgg will proudly stand with you on this matter.

    Fei February 28, 2025 6:25 pm

    lmaooo yea sure tell the fictional kids and fathers to be aware of me ok tell them someone is coming for them I'm sure they'll be delighted about how you're defending them lool the way you're acting all high and mighty on fucking mangago is so funnyshdhaj let's hope the wolf boy fucks his hyung in his beast form too you know we should add a little bit of bestiality for you fuckers only just a little bit of more spice ^^

    Fei February 28, 2025 6:25 pm
    lmaooo yea sure tell the fictional kids and fathers to be aware of me ok tell them someone is coming for them I'm sure they'll be delighted about how you're defending them lool the way you're acting all high an... Fei

    btw being a lil pussy and blocking won't stop me from answering you <3