gayclown<3bl February 28, 2025 5:44 am

Honestly I have no idea why people are criticizing this story so much the art is good and pretty and the outfits are so cute althought they may not be historically accurate they fit the characters and are interesting. I've seen many complaining about how the characters look similar and all I have to say about that is have none of you ever heard of a personal art style? And I've seen someone complaining about them not being able to blend the powers and the story together and honestly that is so bull they do an amazing job at blending it together some stories introduce a magic system and then make it so their main characters can't even use it or have some sort of unique way of using it so it's overpowered and honestly I'm so tired of that so it's refreshing to see a main character have powers but not being able to use it, because they don't use the circles and since they're a magical species, that don't need circle to use their magic this could expose their existence, that is so much more interesting than whats main stream. You all need to either chill and enjoy or move on and let those of us who can genuinely enjoy this story be. And imma say this now cuz I'm already typing, but if I see anyone complain about the fact the love intrest can't confess be so for real, even if youre in the prosses of heeling from trauma it can still influence you and you're decisions so shut the f*ck up and go enjoy your mediocre copy and paste overpowered main characters else where.
