Because the manhwa is mistranslated. The translatos don't refer to previous chapters or the novel, so some parts don't even make sense.
The biggest issue is that Korean doesn't use clear pronouns, so you have to guess from context if it's "I", or "you", or "he/she" etc.
One sentence in the latest chapter (ch 142) was Cale saying to Tunka "You said that your crown prince calles me his friend, right?" And Tunka gets embarrassed. This makes no sense, right?
What Cale actually said was "The crown prince said that you called me your friend, right?" and Tunka gets flustered bc he said Cale is his friend to someone and Cale found out.
If the translator was following the story, they would be able to understand from context, because Cale found this out when Crown prince called him while visiting the Empire and was like, why is the Jungle queen calling you the savior of the Jungle and the Whipper kingdom's commander called you his friend??? You crazy bastard, what have you been doing?? Oh, btw the pope exploded. - Alberu, some chapters ago.
The whole discussion about the documents is also slightly mistranslated which affects the whole picture like a chain reaction and it stops being comprehensible.
This shows that the transaltors are focused on pushing the chapters out with minimal effort. This is not the issue of only the unofficial translations, though. While I haven't read the officials of this manhwa, some officials novels and manhwas I bought over time have been much worse translated than fan translations.
Though I heard this novel is being published physically by Seven Seas and they are referring to the fan translations. So far I've heard it's good. I'm going to buy it soon.
Oh, so my main takeaway from this is that if you see a weird sentence that doesn't make sense, try mixing up the pronouns and see if it makes sense.

Thanks for this. Question you may be able to answer - So there’s Tonka and then the guy in green with light brown hair, I think he’s a prince of the kingdom the mage tower was in? I’m confused on if he and Tonka are ‘coworkers’ or against each other. Especially when it came to buying those documents, why would Tonka have any need of mage documents, anyway?

I'm not who you asked and my memory is hazy, but guy in green with light brown hair (Harol) was Toonka's ally and has his own faction that worked with the barbarians in the rebellion.
He's pretty much in an advisory/administration/strategist kind of role at the moment, or vice leader I guess. He does hate the mages and magic, but understands its value and is willing to make the most of that.
At least that's most of what I remember

It's Harol, he's Toonka's advisor, one of the Chiefs. Toonka is a Chief Commander, Harol is Cief Advisor.
Harol is a comoner without a last name on the non-mage faction, same as Toonka. Non-mage faction are mostly people who are born with magical resistance.
Harol has a secret which was revealed when Cale first bought the tower and they went to the top floor before the transaction. Harol is actually Harol Kodiang, a secret son of the Mage Tower's Liege. The Liege didn't know about Harol tho. That's why Harol is a pitiful existence - he feels mana because of mage's genes but he's unable to use magic because he has magical resistance from his mother's genes. Harol hated his father and mages (I think Cale mentioned the sad part is that Harol will never know that he was actually born out of love. Though it doesn't matter because the mages and their Liege were scum anyways). Harol thought Cale will blackmail him with it, but Cale just says something like he can't blackmail Harol because being born is not a sin.
Anyways, I think it will be explained more in the next chapter but just in case the explanation is unclear because of mistranslation again - Harol is really secretly greedy about the research because the documents are researching the reason for developing magical resistence and the other research is a mana storage device that works on the basis of ancient powers. Harol secretly hopes to be able to use magic himself. In this chapter it's explained that it's not the full research papers and the magic device is a copy (Raon already grew the original one and it's in Cale's backyard) Cale is selling them incomplete so that it will take about 10 years for it to complete. He wants the Whipper kingdom to progress, but at a controlled rate (Cale is the one in control ofcourse), because if they progress too fast, they're going to crash and burn and just ruin themselves. Anyways, these documents are extremely beneficial to the Whipper kingdom and would ruin them if Cale sold it to anyone else, that's why they're so moved by Cale selling it exclusively to them at a low price.

There are some slight details skipped which were mentioned in passing in Cale's thought bubbles or dialogue, and those mentions got mistranslated so it feels like there are parts missing... Usually it's either Cale thinking about how he got from A to B and mentioning a character, but they mistranslate the pronouns so it makes no sense at times. Examples like Cale thinking how he had character A do something for him becomes Cale did this for the character A, and we're like, how the heck Cale did what and when??
At this point I'm just looking at pictures while reading the novel because it's difficult to understand the comic when you don't know who did what.
Bro for the first time I'm confused, everything I read I knew how plot was going but here are like missing parts for me