Woah woah woah can we not do this at a filthy storage room come on now get to your senses we could do better than this
Comfort comes in many ways i just wish she said something more valuable than her remembering everything they did that night his feelings are more important than this romance im not saying its wrong im saying it could be better lets value his feelings first than making out to give him comfort… one day she would be fucked if he was aggressive or mad just to comfort him (worst case scenario—im not assuming he’s going to do that)
Woah woah woah can we not do this at a filthy storage room come on now get to your senses we could do better than this
Comfort comes in many ways i just wish she said something more valuable than her remembering everything they did that night his feelings are more important than this romance im not saying its wrong im saying it could be better lets value his feelings first than making out to give him comfort… one day she would be fucked if he was aggressive or mad just to comfort him (worst case scenario—im not assuming he’s going to do that)