I understand his view and yall's view

Esther Nocturne February 27, 2025 6:47 pm

I can understand why Dietrich did those things despite being aware of the fact that Asta doesnt give any fucks about him. Argue with me or not but I was just like, imagine a child wanting to be recognize by his family, like that child studied harder just to be one of the top 3 in their school, or that child didnt mind to be used by their family just to be recognized or even letting their family see someone else in that child just so that child finally receive the things they yearned for not realizing there are people around them who cared about them for being them, or people around them who needs them or maybe even people around them like that child who yearns for this child's attention and love. This is just an example that is kind of similar to Dietrich...indeed its annoying that he kept siding with his sister when ML did everything for him, but I hope MC's words are able to reach him and help him see the things he couldnt see. Im just saying is that, I hope you shouldnt hate that character too much, of course its your choice whether to listen or not, Im just saying what I think anddd also if Dietrich still havent developed in the future chapters then nevermind this comment
