It was after Nok ".. so you've loved him" and Seo-eung "I don't care if you call it filthy" "even if you say loving another man is a sin, I'm willing to accept it".
Just this converstation took a wrong turn in that moment imo^^'' I don't think anyone could feel disgusted by what was said prior, how he cared for Kang and wanted to help him and make him happy. But sadly noticed Kang likes Chaehui...
Bios are in the creator's notes after the first special episode. When the s1 ended :) Just before season 2.

ohh I get what you mean now. well we def know our characters won't but ig had there be some other person like the so called childhood friend, then ig what seoeung said would make sense. ig he's too devasted to actually keep mind of that ? idk.
now I wonder if and how will the author give closure to kang's story cause i do wish seoeung would be able to talk to him once atleast. can't even imagine the guilt he'd be feeling for ever introducing them.
thankuu imma go re read both the notes super soon!!

Wasn't Ha Seo-eung responsible for keeping and starving those children though?:O I can't bring myself to sympathise with him.
Hmm wouldn't Kang be angry for harming Chaehui? So Seo-eung would suffer doubly, one from the guilt of bringing cruel death to Kang and second from his anger. I just hope Kang wouldn't try to stop them :O
Btw. You know we are on hiatus next week, right? ┗( T﹏T )┛

I think Ha Seo-eung not only was responsible for starving the children but he was also involved for most of the queen's crimes. Remember the starving ghost and his pregnant wife? He had a role there too since his name was mentioned at some point. He needs closure and then go roast in hell.
I also agree with you about feeling uneasy at some point during this chapter. The author could've at least make them teenagers which may explain the love feelings and the blushing but they were literally kids :// Doesn't really make sense imo... although I do recall falling for my classmate when I was 7yo and being completely paralyzed by the simple thought of talking to him lol Maybe it's not that uncommon after all xD

Huge edit: I've just found out the scans I saw previously was missing a few panels... Not a trustworthy source, goddammit...
Thus it looks like he didn't even know the queen makes maehyung? And looking for Jongdal's name I've found the moment when he noticed the queen "he gathered the children" and she dismisses him. Therefore he might not know they were locked. On the other hand he looks rather insular so I can believe he didn't bother thinking WHY the queen needs small children.
*high five* Deedee. Even "dating" can happen at such age now, but ofc it's more like playing or role playingXD
Seo-eung was 2 years older and later even got engaged so I assume he might've been 12 when Kang died. And knowing at that times children were pushed to mature quickly it's believable his feelings were slightly heavier, more serious even, but still pure (!).
That's why making it sound illicit and filthy seems so off.
I really got used to the idea Ha Seo-eung being mercilles bitch-queen's minion. So now I need some time to digest his betrayal. It was quite fast though, but ok he cherished Kang so it hit him hard to know the truth. I really didn't expect HIM to start working with the prince. My guess was one of the maids, or a few of them.
I also felt a little uneasy when Seo-eung recalled he "noticed Kang's smile wasn't meant for him" and then said "you can call it dirty feelings, I don't care". Maybe I overreacted at first but he was speaking about 9? 10? year's old being an adult. And it happened around 10 years ago or more? So why even bringing "dirtiness" up?;o Just saying he loved, cherished him would've been enough. As sworn brothers wasn't that strange concept at that time. + Kang was such a cute kid, him playing with a cat<3
Lastly, our cute bundle Nok was very sexy and strong-willed again (●'◡'●)ノ I reread his bio and he doesn't like cold (I've forgotten). So I'm guessin that's why he wears a lot of layers now :3