the love trio is a goated ship fr

ps5junior February 27, 2025 10:31 am

this only makes me love the love trio even more. and i love that we actually see exactly what clara's insecurities are. something that was off screen is that they told her about everything that happened when she wasnt there with them.

and these were BIG things. the formal ball with the demon elites. azz meeting kiriwo and being unsettled which eventually led up to the soulmate talk. some things like these events forever of mairuma, but clara wasn't there. and because of who she is, shes not connected to big rich families like iruma OR alice. so for the bigger plot of mairuma being handled with the 13 crowns and higher ups, there wont be much a chance (unless they forcably bring her) for her to have a place in the situations dealing with the actual netherworld government

    ps5junior February 27, 2025 10:36 am

    for example i actually hate the ship of iruma and ameri but i reluctantly understand why its a ship and not just because ameri likes iruma. because ameri has these connections to the higher ups and on her own, she is relevant for the actual future of the netherworld. so thats why ameri appears in the same places that iruma and alice would. and thats why i love that clara feels insecure because its showing exactly how much she loves them ROMANTICALLY. just like ameri having obvious feelings, i cant see this as anything other than clara openly admitting her romantic feelings for iruma and alice. and i refuse to let yall try to make it seem like she isnt