B# is NOT B-flat

toowoonoo February 26, 2025 10:45 am

99% of the translation is 10/10 and the sfx etc are all super clean, I had to read through it again bc I couldn't tell if it was official or not as it was done so well. The thing that is seriously bugging me though is constantly seeing "B# (B-flat)" because B# is B-sharp, not B-flat (written as Bb). I really hope its simply a translation error that can be fixed for the next chapters, because the author/editor/publisher of a music manhua should really know the difference, especially when it is something as important as the name of the band. The whole scan is done so well though, I can't say I have much faith that it's not the author failing to do their research. To show how annoying it is to non-musical people, its like constantly reading something like "$1 (1-pound)". It's such a small detail but so obviously wrong you can't help but get frustrated reading it so often lol.

    toowoonoo February 26, 2025 10:48 am

    to make it worse I got so worked up about it only to find there are only going to be two chapters lmaoooo

    Niki February 26, 2025 2:57 pm
    to make it worse I got so worked up about it only to find there are only going to be two chapters lmaoooo toowoonoo

    You sure it's not just prologue chapters? Because this has potensial altough I'm not expecting a long story but two chapters?