I could have skipped this one

TheMidnightower March 2, 2025 3:16 am

Finally got caught up and honestly, considering how good the art was and my expectation with that title, it was pretty disappointing. MC & ML both proved themselves to be kinda terrible and pathetic. I think there's a need, when you have a revenge story where you know the characters are going to be morally dubious, for them to at least have tenacity. What we get instead is Reinhardt losing her nerve about halfway through and being unable to commit, one way or the other, to what she wants while Will is obsessed but unable to get anywhere with that obsession. I usually love seeing that kind of intensity in a character and, honestly, I would have loved to see it followed through at literally any point- lock her up, politically maneuver her into marriage, kill yourself- anything so he didn't come across as completely toothless after he makes some seriously messed up, decisive, interesting choices. Granted, when they went back and explained why he was even about her, it was so shallow the whole thing felt pretty silly.
Also, I feel sorry for the children: they were born into a bad situation and more or less used to further the shallow motivations of their parents, who obviously didn't give a crap about their futures and only bothered with getting them legitimized once they had settled down. Deitrich was the only one with any sense to start off with, and I didn't even get to enjoy it because initially, I didn't trust his motivations since his character was setting off my Suzaku alarm bells. It's not done yet but I don't feel like I even have the energy to finish the side stories so rating it, reviewing it, and keeping it moving.

    Private Poopenfarten February 28, 2025 6:02 pm

    You worded it perfectly! That’s exactly what pissed me off too, the characters wouldn’t fully commit to one side or the other. And it was at points where I was like ??? This is really the hill you wanna take the moral high ground on? After everything you’ve already done?

    Sour Candy March 7, 2025 2:52 am

    Daaaamn thanks for the feedback, I left this marinating and came back to see the rating dropped by a lot. You saved me a lot of time and stress ovet it ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭