We saw, in a brief flashback, that hyoseop has been a guide since his early teens/preteens (some old man had his arm around hyoseup’s shoulder and was giving him guide related advice).
We also know the SS dungeon last opened 10 years ago. Assuming hyoseup’s age and doing the math, it fits.
We know our blond potty mouth captain is stronger than the other S class members. He’s prob SS class. We know the guild leader that took charge of the SS dungeon, 10 years ago, was also SS class. Had a few S class guild members that went with him.
We know the C class poser-guild is aiming to go back to the SS dungeon to retrieve something that isn’t an esper, so it’s probably a guide.
We know hyoseup has flashbacks of causing an esper to “begin” a rampage. We know that guiding an esper who is rampaging should be impossible.
What if hyoseup’s one time of guiding “beyond his limits” was caused by guiding that rampaging esper? What if it wasn’t the esper that died, but hyoseup? What if that erased the mark from his esper? But only damaged his own mark? People can survive death with CPR, etc.
What if the highly compatible guide that our blond potty mouth captain killed in the past was Hyoseup? What if hyoseup simply didn’t die?
Plus, Hyoseop has also mentioned being confined for so long. What if he was trapped in the SS dungeon for 10 years and now all his old guild mates are trying to save him, or at least retrieve his remains?
But they went and changed their identities, so prob don’t look alike. I’m sure they have different names now. Meanwhile, 10 years has passed since they’ve seen hyoseup. Plus they think he’s still trapped in the dungeon. Then think- that hyoseup was probably adopted when he was brought to America. Chances are, they knew him by an American name.
So a “hyoseup” who’s not in the dungeon, and ten years older, meets secretive guild members using false identities = no one recognizes anyone.
Isn’t the captain’s first guide Hyoseop?
We saw, in a brief flashback, that hyoseop has been a guide since his early teens/preteens (some old man had his arm around hyoseup’s shoulder and was giving him guide related advice).
We also know the SS dungeon last opened 10 years ago. Assuming hyoseup’s age and doing the math, it fits.
We know our blond potty mouth captain is stronger than the other S class members. He’s prob SS class. We know the guild leader that took charge of the SS dungeon, 10 years ago, was also SS class. Had a few S class guild members that went with him.
We know the C class poser-guild is aiming to go back to the SS dungeon to retrieve something that isn’t an esper, so it’s probably a guide.
We know hyoseup has flashbacks of causing an esper to “begin” a rampage. We know that guiding an esper who is rampaging should be impossible.
What if hyoseup’s one time of guiding “beyond his limits” was caused by guiding that rampaging esper? What if it wasn’t the esper that died, but hyoseup? What if that erased the mark from his esper? But only damaged his own mark? People can survive death with CPR, etc.
What if the highly compatible guide that our blond potty mouth captain killed in the past was Hyoseup? What if hyoseup simply didn’t die?
Plus, Hyoseop has also mentioned being confined for so long. What if he was trapped in the SS dungeon for 10 years and now all his old guild mates are trying to save him, or at least retrieve his remains?
But they went and changed their identities, so prob don’t look alike. I’m sure they have different names now. Meanwhile, 10 years has passed since they’ve seen hyoseup. Plus they think he’s still trapped in the dungeon. Then think- that hyoseup was probably adopted when he was brought to America. Chances are, they knew him by an American name.
So a “hyoseup” who’s not in the dungeon, and ten years older, meets secretive guild members using false identities = no one recognizes anyone.