this is trash even you dont read and just saw the cover its already instant trash

Yehhh*^* February 25, 2025 4:54 pm

honestly i have seen these manhwas before but never read because you know why? Cus its bland and the plot it self is alover the shet as every mahwas like the plot story that starter this is called "Raised the beast well"i mean this story is all rooted to all shit so called beast and what more why does most mahwas only see dark colored as merchants? Is that really they're purpose I MEAN U know side characters labels as "merchants" and then if its a male lead its suposed to be a BEAST, OR TYRANT like huh and all the time i see these men's shade like silver'ish or even JUST GIVE SILVER SKIN INSTEAD like honestly what more they always pair with women who is skin as snow white what even is this? You know i want a unique characters and a wide range of female lead shades who does'nt look dead at all yea sure some mahwas fl are fair skin though you do see that the background of the comic and her skin shade is fucking identical as fuck. On what im saying is that i want a female lead who is also tan colored and does not always live in a eurpean castle i want is some what takes place is egypt and of course male lead aint from an eurpean catsle i want the whole story to be just about them cus thats more interesting to read than this
