It turned out she wasn't abused at all, she did all that to herself by falling down a set of stairs to intentionally die, but didnt. She hated her whole lineage upon knowing her mother is from the dark side, kind of like a witch since she can use magic and stuff. Since MC is a devote, she thinks her family is being controlled by her mom and that her mom and the whole family is a demon or a sinner or something. And her whole family is doomed. So she intentionally tried to kill herself, thus the bruises. It's not from her parents at all. Happy reading!

All the dad did was starve her and lock her up in a dark room to discipline her because she was going crazy
The dad didn't hit her, the bruises from the bathtub were from when she fell herself down the stairs
Though the dad did indeed admit to starving and locking her up to her mom, which the mom was angry for.
I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused. Granted I haven't read all the chapters yet, I'm letting it cook a bit more so I can binge.
But just skimming these last few chapters, I thought her parents were abusive? Like I swear I remember in earlier chapters where she was being soaked in the bath tub or something, or her dad ordering not to give her any food? Wtf happened to that? I remember her being abused, what am I missing?
I'm okay with spoilers if anyone can explain please.