The true villain in this story is the dad. How could you leave your one and only chick in ...

user1231 February 25, 2025 12:27 pm

The true villain in this story is the dad. How could you leave your one and only chick in that situation? How could he even let that situation go on for so long without taking any action to get his wife the help she needed and made sure his son got treatment to undo all the damage his wife caused?

    krillin wearing sunglasses February 25, 2025 5:25 pm

    Not to mention literally saw his wife injure his son and decided to just leave him there with her...

    user1231 February 26, 2025 12:16 am
    Not to mention literally saw his wife injure his son and decided to just leave him there with her... krillin wearing sunglasses

    Exactly! Like he should be in jail for neglect!