Wow that's kinda selfish of her to do. I mean, sure, she doesn't see herself as the empres...

Yui February 25, 2025 12:09 pm

Wow that's kinda selfish of her to do. I mean, sure, she doesn't see herself as the empress, but it was so selfish of her to make him choose between his LIFE'S PURPOSE and her. Not to mention, placing the entire nation's future at stake. Like, girl, come on.

Maybe that just means they're not meant for each other. IF she really feels she can't become the empress. Because real love encourages you to grow, not hinders you. And right now, she's his waterloo.

    Pink Lady of Romance February 26, 2025 4:51 pm

    Ain't no real love with them tho. He's selfish and kidnapped and raped her. He forced her into a relationship. He's selfish and if this was her one sole command, being that he's a psychopath, then good.

    Yui February 26, 2025 5:26 pm
    Ain't no real love with them tho. He's selfish and kidnapped and raped her. He forced her into a relationship. He's selfish and if this was her one sole command, being that he's a psychopath, then good. Pink Lady of Romance

    Fair point. Atp, they're both selfish and true, they didn't have true love in the first place. The guy forced himself upon her and now, she wants him to choose her above everything else. Idk where aurhor-nim will take thus relationship to, but so far, it ain't true love alright