some questions...that probably don't have answers yet lol

saitamashi February 25, 2025 8:30 am

How can we be so sure that Bada was actually an NPC and not an actual player turned NPC? What if Bada had been playing way before the group started and something happened which caused him to turn into an NPC? Him not being able to do any damage to the killer doesn't prove that he isn't a real player but idk how games work so I could be wrong.

We know that Bada doesn't have irl memories but it doesn't seem like anyone else in this game has them? They only talk about their memories in-game which I understand is their main focus but wouldn't something random info about themselves slip through during conversations? They have some kind of backstory when they're NPCs which I assume is just the game's script. We still know nothing about them irl.

What does the note that Doha ripped apart say?

Doha still has an unused key in his possession, I believe. Could it be the key to the last unexplored area in the map?

Could Bada have a duplicate tape like Yongtaek that has all his other memories?

What happened during the first playthrough?

Now that Doha knows that Bada is an NPC, escaping would be out of the question for him, right? This really makes me sad for Doha because it would mean he'd have to repeat this cycle forever unless they find Bada's OG tape and it reveals some kind of twist.

    Icy_Reality February 25, 2025 11:29 am

    Bada prob has multiple duplicate tapes, it's said that he was too perceptive so the group would reset his tape everytime he becomes too suspicious. I have this theory that in S3, Doha would prob have so many trial and errors finding Bada's tapes, it would be fun meeting diff Badas XD