I read a lot of the novel when there were less Webtoon chapters and I was kinda invested in the premise..
I don't know how far I've gotten with the novel, but it was actually good, very emotional at one part (which would be a spoiler at this point)..
I think the Webtoon does a poor job in showing what's going on inside the MCs head, so I don't think the plot twist (of you can call it one) won't be as impactful.
I haven't finished the novel, so I don't know how it ends.. but I can say from what I've read the story itself is decent enough, the Webtoon is a bit weak.. it's definitely no masterpiece, but it's a slightly different premise which is nice
The comments make me not want to need this lol. Is it good? It’s been sitting on my want to read for a hot minute.