STOP as someone obsessed with it this hurt me I'll respect ur opinion but the things u didn't like were the ones that made like it!!! like their rs developed so slowly it actually felt realistic, and there were so many scenes where she acc stood up for herself which in turn made him better his ways too. omg I'll stop now

tbh i just didn’t like how it was slow burn but the romance was so abrupt at the same time. like usually in stories where everyone is against the fl she atleast has the ml on her side, but they genuinely didn’t even have those bonding moments you’d look for in a slowburn romance that keeps it.. burning. she definitely spoke to him, but while she’s fighting for her space in their family INCLUDING HIM, she’s also having nightmares and by the time i dropped it she still had no one to talk to about everything going on for her. i actually think there were atleast two other family members that kinda connected with her more than the ml

hmm i definitely get what u mean, like i read it a while ago but i remember this one scene where she finally had an outburst and I felt rly bad for her. tbh I just thought of it as smth that ties in with his character??? somehow like I thought oh okay that's just who he is, and like that IS one of his flaws. the thing is, I would much much rather prefer this than a male lead whose only role in the story is to be the love interest, iykwim? like he's not perfect i get that but he seemed way more human than most of the others, thats why i enjoyed it i guess

Mine is pretty controversial, but How to Get My Husband on My Side. I got a huge ick from the ml. In the beginning, he wasn’t just cold to her like everyone says he was low-key an asshole the fl was out here having a panic attack and he would yell at her and he was overly aggressive for no reason. He got better, but I just never really got around to truly liking his character and he’s just there. Then the whole story turned into trauma porn and I had to drop it. This was basically the plot someone assaults the fl, she cries, and then there goes big daddy Izek comes and saves her and it just repeats and repeats. It just got exhausting to read like at one point I did not feel bad at all for the fl since I already knew she was gonna get saved, and it was just laughable that she was getting assaulted by a 14-year-old boy shorter than her ass. The character development was honestly slow and felt nonexistent, especially for the fl she finally got her active heroism bc love. It was so cringe especially the earliest chapter she was really like “Izek this isn’t you” and she was somehow the one saving the day.

I kind of despise The Broken Ring : This Marriage Will Fail Anyway. There was cheating on the FIRST CHAPTER I don’t care what anyone says cheating is not redeemable and the ml was even gaslighting her. I’m supposed to believe he’s utterly in love with her since they were children but HOW just no. I might reconsider picking it back up since I did drop it like 10 chapters in but I really hate cheating. It also rubbed me the wrong way how the fandom was defending him by saying she was the one who manipulated him into it so she could divorce him, but even if she did that, he was the one who decided to cheat….
is there a romance everyone likes but u don’t? sorry for me it’s “my in laws are obsessed with me” genuinely the progression was slow because he was never there and they barely spoke and connected enough for me to understand the romantic development n honestly……. likeee.. i just wanted sb better for the fl