New theories

I_suck_toes February 24, 2025 10:59 pm

Hey yall, if you remember me I was the person who wrote that long ass theory rant and all imma say is that my second theory was correct but in reverse! Seriously this author is brilliant.

Obviously none of this is confirmed this is just me theorising the story and it's event!

But omg turns out mc is the only NPC! This means however that there is still a mystery to how the other characters ended up in the game and honestly I'm going to stick to my 'Sword art online theory' where the players were playing the game in its beta stage as a way of testing for bugs, but failed to realise the biggest bug which was how to leave, causing them to be stuck in the game. Not knowing what to do the players probably thought their best bet was to find a way to finish the game in order to escape. Somewhere along their journeys Doha met mc and started to become obsessed with him and later fall in love with him, realising he was an NPC and that the second he leaves the game he leaves mc, he purposely sabotaged everyone to remain in the game for longer.

This is my theory based on latest events.


I still have so many questions.

You see the main reason I thought mc was a player was because they saw the ending screen, the like 'GAME OVER' screen, which in my mind doesn't make sense for an NPC to see, also he was able to affect the story. Whereas any gamer knows that NPC's can't influence a games ending independently. An NPC can be manipulated to affect the ending by a player or by programming.

Now stay with me imma go a little off topic.

But how did the group originally convince mc to follow them, I mean in every game mc played in he was always in the car already, but know we see that it was originally Doha who knocked him out and put him in the car. Hence why he was the only person who was 'asleep' in the beginning of the cut scenes. So this begs the question is mc never went along with the group willingly how did Doha fall inlove with him/become obsessed with him?? I mean it's not like he fell inlove with him based on the small interactions at the beginning right. And we can't even say that mc's "cousin" convinced him as that guy literally states that they aren't close. So how did they do it??

Most likely case is that out of desperation Doha kidnapped mc as a way to get an alternative ending and realised that it did actually get the extra endings. So they kept doing it and over time they convinced mc that he was a player. Which is why he started to think he was a player when he was actually a NPC.

BUT ANOTHER CONTRADICTION! Because I thought only players had cassettes, so how come mc has one?? Could this means something.

Which is where I get to my new theories on who actually is mc!

1. He an NPC clear as day and was just manipulated onto believing he was a player.

2. He is an NPC who gained consciousness due to the glitch that kept the other players in the game.

3. Yall gonna have to stay with me on this one, but what if he is a player. But he is a player who joined the game at a different time. We see him have a different entrance (via motorbike) so what if the original plot of the game was for mc to join the others in the car, but as mc was conscious he refused to join. However this refusal meant he missed the opportunity to save his cassette to he lost those memories of being a player. And as the others never saw mc as anything other then an NPC as he didn't partake in the main game, they all assumed he was a NPC. I know it's a lot lol.

4. He isn't exactly an NPC but instead the consciousness of the game. I mean it would make sense as to why he can't hurt the killer as he can't exactly mess with his 'own' programming.

5. Lastly a bit of a reach but mc is a player but came into the game to supervise the other players, which is why he had a different exit and also significantly different aesthetic to everyone else. As he was never supposed to join them, just observe them as a way to gather data for something....

(for like developing the game or something)

But anyway that is my new and refreshed theories. Please tell me your ideas and as always I'll respond to every question!

    yay February 24, 2025 11:06 pm

    please never stop with your theories i love you

    saddays February 25, 2025 2:48 am

    BRO HEAR ME TF OUT, dude I have an even more insane theory like laced with cocaine and shit. I’ve also wondered where Doha’s obsession stems LISTEN LISTEN what if Doha’s love for Bada stems from another person’s memory or cassette tape. Stay with me okay, remember when Yongtaek got his memories back, and when he asked Bada to take out his tape he also said something along the lines of him being “his best friend and soulmate”. Like hello?? There’s definitely more to their relationship in that tape yet Yongtaek has decided to keep to himself. Now if this sounded as dumb as it does already, what IF, Doha experienced a bug of sorts, and was able to retain the information from Yongtaeks tape. I know this makes no sense whatsoever but I literally have been foaming at the mouth trying to figure out what else was there to Yongtaek and Bada’s relationship.

    yay February 25, 2025 5:04 am
    BRO HEAR ME TF OUT, dude I have an even more insane theory like laced with cocaine and shit. I’ve also wondered where Doha’s obsession stems LISTEN LISTEN what if Doha’s love for Bada stems from another p... saddays

    WAIT I LOWKEY LOVE THISSSS i always thought there was a lot more to Yongtaek!! im so excited for the next season AAAAAAAAA

    I_suck_toes February 25, 2025 10:15 am
    BRO HEAR ME TF OUT, dude I have an even more insane theory like laced with cocaine and shit. I’ve also wondered where Doha’s obsession stems LISTEN LISTEN what if Doha’s love for Bada stems from another p... saddays


    i always wondered how Dohas actually fell inlove with mc and this makes sense!!

    I_suck_toes February 25, 2025 10:15 am
    please never stop with your theories i love you╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ yay
