Unnecessary rape scenes

_uwu_senpai February 24, 2025 1:33 pm

This was very bittersweet and cute. I really hated the rape scenes cause I feel they were only there to fulfil whatever sick fantasy either the author or some readers had regarding Soongap and his BROTHER. Really disgusting scenes. Skipped them allow they were so unnecessary. Other than that it was a really nice read. I love their relationship even though I didn't like that he kept calling him Master and never not even once did he address him by his actual name nor did Bongchun ever demand it, which I find weird considering he didn't see Soongap as his slave. But whatever.

    Weebymademoiselle March 3, 2025 8:30 am

    tbf i dont think the author romanticized the r4pe tho. It just portrayed how awful it was. I would be bothered if the author made it vague what his brother did to Soongap. just my opinion tho

    pio March 15, 2025 5:53 am

    media literacy is dead

    _uwu_senpai March 24, 2025 5:14 am
    media literacy is dead pio

    Feel free to enlighten the world with your analysis. People see a phrase on tiktok and run with it without actually understanding what it means. "Media literacy is dead" yeah, you're proof of it

    Iris March 25, 2025 3:04 pm

    It felt inevitable tho. I'm actually surprised it took so long