and "Itiswhatitis" you should know that we are reading fiction, especially dead dove, not because we want to piss on others nor we want to rape people but we like the fact that these are simply fiction, not real, untouchable. we enjoy someone else's imagination, the creations that simply stay as fiction. you dont have to like everything and its totally normal to dislike, but you dont have the right to degrade, to harass and to curse at others just because they enjoy something you dont. youre so obsessed with this "purity" mind that it is actually concerning. your replies ar full of nonsense that i pity you actually.

When a piece of anything is shared on the internet it is bound to be judged by a wide range of people (even if they seekers of such content or not)
Im sorry but labeling something under a label does not make it free of judgement
Its like saying "why do you hate cp when its under the label under "cp" , if you don't like it just dont watch it."
See heres what i think, everyone has their own kinks; gross, crazy, or just straight up diabolical its THEIR business, my problem here is the glorification and sexualization of unconsensual and disgusting acts done to an allegedly mentally challenged individual who seems can't understand the danger hes in
Its not the piss thing that is making me disgusted (i mean it is too but) people can have their weird kinks but Jesus when you take an already odd disgusting sexual act and link it to a dangerous disgusting situation you just get a lasagna of the most utterly diabolical thing to exist, and guess what! People are gonna judge that bcuz thats just how it is (not to mention how people didn't even expect that piss play was part of this)
I will stop talking to you now cuz reading your replies i can see youre just a weird gooner person who thinks what they're doing is "okay" just bcuz its labeled under something
Please seek help, and im genuinely saying this with not a drop of sarcasm.

Also @Sen zıpıtırnantopik? if you read something problematic then you gotta stay silent and read it quietly but the way y'all mfs cry when someone hate on the shit is crazy, and the problem isn't you reading problematic shit,the problem is y'all act like it's normal and romanticize it ,@purky already explained it all but i doubt your brain is going to get it

And nigga you’re acting like basic human decency is some kind of oppression. No one’s stopping you from enjoying fiction, but if your entire personality is built around defending the most messed-up stuff, maybe touch some grass. Also, 'pity' all you want,your moral compass is completely broken, and it shows.

LMAO, dawg, the way you’re out here writing a thesis defending piss like it’s a human right is wild. Maybe log off and touch something that isn’t your keyboard,preferably some common sense. Plus, that nigga was defending child porn and rape just because it’s fiction in another manga. People are just disgusted by the pissing stuff, but y’all are going mad crazy because of that. Like, what are you actually defending this shit for?

Exactly. Fandoms became toys at the hands of children. Heck i was a kid myself when i was in the fandoms and i still understood how to act. But these days people are so daring bcz we are all behind the screens. It is ok if you dont like it just dont read then. Harassing people who enjoy the contents or repeating the same things every chapter's comment section like a parrot -like as if people
will give up reading- and disturbing people that is what makes me angry.

Exactly. These days fandoms became toys at the hands of the children or puritans. Since we are all behind the screen they become daring. It is ok to hate or don't like to some contents nobody is forcing these people. I was a kid when i entered the fandoms and i still knew how to act. I would scroll if i see something i dont like that's it. But these days people like to complain, criticize and act like they are some savior etc. You can complain at the beginning or criticize it is ok. But if you continue to do the same thing every damn chapter -You should have long ago left it never to come back- now that is a problem. Not only this but also disturbing other readers, swearing at them bcz they like problematic things and repeating same shitty argument every chapter -sometimes through a lot of chapters without giving up- like why would anyone waste time on something they don't like? Like do they think if they do these things they can change people's minds about the contents they read ? There is teo possibility they wanna read but they feel guilty so they are projecting or just some type of shitty saviour complex.

stranger please calm down. you want to explain your side ig but please be calm about it. its only going to do everyone harm if you keep on getting angry over stuff.
also, can you stop using racist slurs please? this is just a request. you might be black and you're blended into that culture, but some people find it uncomfortable to see such things. i say it for everyone's well-being. if you think i'm being unreasonable thats fine too. sorry for being too stiff ^^
this discussion has become quite heated for some reason. so lemme just give my own input too.
1. everyone's reaction is valid. being able to digest dead dove without flinching isnt some kind of talent and having sensitive reactions to such stuff doesn't mean someone is weak either. No need to attack each other or act too defensive.
2. Its not JUST a piss kink. The bottom is forced into it. Top not only forced bottom into doing unconsented BDSM (the water thing) but also dehumanizes bottom by treating him like a toilet after being done with him. Idk why do you people keep acting like its not disturbing. you like it, read it. dont put down people for being disturbed by scenes that are obviously meant to be disturbing.
3. Its okay to not react as strongly as others. Maybe your empathy meter dried up or you simply didn't care enough cuz its fiction or turned your brain off expecting the worst- whatever the reason is, your reaction is also valid. BUT! it doesnt make you superior to anyone. stop shoving your "its dead dove. stop acting like a pussy" down everyone's throats. they're allowed to react in their own way till they attack other readers/author for it.
4. i kind of skimmed through it but i think i saw someone say rape apologizer stuff somewhere along the line. honestly i'm a little annoyed by whoever said it. weaving that drama into this situation is what i'd say peak hypocrisy is. you were there when first 4 chapters had graphic rape and you were also there when top forced himself on bottom when bottom was sleeping. dont weave unnecessarily big words here just to make your claims sounds stronger.

Cry harder mf, If people want to criticize something, they will. Fandom isn’t your personal safe space where only praise is allowed. If something is trash, people have every right to call it out—even every damn chapter if they feel like it. Maybe instead of whining about “puritans” and “saviors,” you should just accept that not everyone worships the same shitty content you do. If our comments bothers you that much, then take your own advice"SCROLL AWAY!"yes you can always scroll past the comments or suck it up,Do you think any sane adult would support messed up stuffs like rape just because it's fiction? You sound like one of those mentally deranged teenagers in twitter iykwim lol

Lmao, you gotta be some dumbfuck fr. So now having morals makes someone a "kid"? That’s funny. Imagine being so fragile that basic criticism feels like a personal attack. Newsflash: People can call out trash content just like you can like it. If you can’t handle that, maybe you’re the real kid here. Also, nigga, I’m 22, and you ain’t some hot shit for liking rape and piss kink in fiction. I’ve read TRAUMATIC AND MESSED UP shit too—just without NORMALIZING AND ROMANTICIZING it like y’all mfs are doing rn

First off, I am calm. My words might sound harsh, but there’s a reason for that—I keep seeing the same people who defended pedophilia now defending rape, and yeah, that made me lose my shit. Plus, that Turkish nigga started it by bringing up my dad.
And i am not black but I get your point and agree with most of what you said. But here’s what I’ll add—reading messed-up stuff and normalizing it are two different things. You can read whatever you want, but don’t act like it’s not problematic or get mad when people call it out.

so you can't read, thanks

Irkçı şerefsizin tekisin sen, kim dediklerini ciddiye alır ki? Şurada seninle adam akıllı konuşmaya çalışıyoruz ama sen gelip millete n-word kullanıp duruyorsun, üzerine siyahi bile değilsin daha ne kadar rezil olabilirsin bilemiyorum. Bizi gel sen aşağılayıp dur, okuduklarımızı gerçek hayata yansıttığımızı iddia et, "Türkler tecavüz savunucusudur!!" de ama biz bu iftiralarına ve hakaretlerine karşı çıkamayalım. Oldu, ketçap mayonez de olsun mu? Ben asla demedim "Kimse dead dove içeriklerden rahatsız olamaz / rahatsız olursa korkaktır" diye. Benim derdim okuyanlara "Ooo yani sen potansiyel tecavüzcüsün öyle mi?" tavırıyla gelinmesiyle çünkü artık bıktık, bilmem anlatabildim mi? "Normalleştirmek" diyip duruyorsunuz çıkar göster nerede gerçek hayatta tecavüzü normal gördüğümü, göster. Gösteremezsin çünkü karşıyım zaten. Ne halin varsa gör ya gerçekten her yanıt yazdığında kendini daha da rezil ediyorsun. Bu konuşmayı da artık sessize alıyorum, bana ettiğin hakaretleri daha fazla görmek istemiyorum
yall are actually so weak if you cant comprehend piss drinking, ngl. "i need to cleanse my eyes" "i regret seeing that" "thats actually insane" bro what are you DOING here. bring back dont like, dont read