yall are actually so weak if you cant comprehend piss drinking, ngl. "i need to cleanse my eyes" "i regret seeing that" "thats actually insane" bro what are you DOING here. bring back dont like, dont read
majority of korean yaois dont go that extreme. usually the worst is blood and beating. they didnt expect piss play thats all. i mean- this is probably the only korean yaoi that has shown such a scene lol
omfg YOU'RE SO CORNY Please shut the fuck up, people are gonna be grossed out of piss drinking BECAUSE ITS THE NATURAL RESPONSE TO WITNESSING SOMETHING THAT DISGUSTING "OmG y'AlL arE so WeaK, i didn't eVeN flinCh reAdiNg thAt" okay??? Go to therapy then you mentally ill deranged teenager
omfg YOU'RE SO CORNYPlease shut the fuck up, people are gonna be grossed out of piss drinking BECAUSE ITS THE NATURAL RESPONSE TO WITNESSING SOMETHING THAT DISGUSTING "OmG y'AlL arE so WeaK, i didn't eVeN flinC... Purky
"don't like, don't read" that's not how the comment section works ,if you can't handle reading people comments then just ignore or should i say "don't read" in your language
OH NO GERMAN IM SCARED روح يسطا ايش الكلام ده قاعد يكلمني بالتركي وعلى فكرة البانل حق الاغتصاب تكلمت عنها الف مرة ومرة الشي المضحك انه ده الأقحب قاعد يدافع عن بانل بول Speaking to me in Turkish (or in your native language in genera)l doesn't prove youre smart or cool, it just proves youre a lil kid Girl get the fuck outta here defending a piss scene and BTW i did talk a shit ton abt the rape scenes bcuz guess what :0 Im not a rape apologists But who am i to judge youre Turkish after all, yall are famous for that (تصب تركي)
OH NO GERMAN IM SCARED روح يسطا ايش الكلام ده قاعد يكلمني بالتركي وعلى فكرة البانل حق الاغتصاب تكلمت عنها الف مرة ومرة الشي ا... Purky
ARAP MISIN LAN SEN PUHAHAHAHWKFJWOFLWKKF kaç peygamber geldi adam olmadınız, son geleni de pedo zaten ar*pların aksine ingilizlere götümüzü siktirmediğimiz için ana dilimi gönül rahatlığıyla konuşabiliyorum. sen efendilerini yalamaya devam edebilirsin
ARAP MISIN LAN SEN PUHAHAHAHWKFJWOFLWKKF kaç peygamber geldi adam olmadınız, son geleni de pedo zaten ar*pların aksine ingilizlere götümüzü siktirmediğimiz için ana dilimi gönül rahatlığıyla kon... hayalet
LMFAO IM CRYING Im arab not Muslim PLEASE The Turkish government should've also banned chrome from you people not only discord "I can speak my language with a piece of mind" thats what Semih çelik said
LMFAO IM CRYING Im arab not Muslim PLEASE The Turkish government should've also banned chrome from you people not only discord "I can speak my language with a piece of mind" thats what Semih çelik said Purky
That mf is literally deranged so you gotta reply back with the same energy lol
LMFAO IM CRYING Im arab not Muslim PLEASE The Turkish government should've also banned chrome from you people not only discord "I can speak my language with a piece of mind" thats what Semih çelik said Purky
İslam arap kültürü amk bağırma sizin orda tecavüze uğrayıp hiçbir şey anlatamayanlardan konuşalım bir de istersen
omfg YOU'RE SO CORNYPlease shut the fuck up, people are gonna be grossed out of piss drinking BECAUSE ITS THE NATURAL RESPONSE TO WITNESSING SOMETHING THAT DISGUSTING "OmG y'AlL arE so WeaK, i didn't eVeN flinC... Purky
why are yall reading a dead dove, full of abuse and rape yaoi and freaking out when piss kink enters the scene... this is what's weird, you had so many chances to drop the series yet here you are calling people names... i think you should take your own advice
majority of korean yaois dont go that extreme. usually the worst is blood and beating. they didnt expect piss play thats all. i mean- this is probably the only korean yaoi that has shown such a scene lol cherry
why are yall reading a dead dove, full of abuse and rape yaoi and freaking out when piss kink enters the scene... this is what's weird, you had so many chances to drop the series yet here you are calling peopl... Sen zıpıtırnantopik?
That is why we defend dont like dont read but people like '' itiswhatitis'' are the ones who always go extreme and disturb people. I think these people are projecting bcz no way they can be so obsessive bashing people who likes ''problematiic fiction'' if you are not projecting.
why are yall reading a dead dove, full of abuse and rape yaoi and freaking out when piss kink enters the scene... this is what's weird, you had so many chances to drop the series yet here you are calling peopl... Sen zıpıtırnantopik?
Can't believe this bitch is here too defending rape and pissing lol first you were defending pedophilia and grooming with the same logic and now you're even defending gross shit like this ,go and get some mental help nigga cause defending things like "pedophilia,rape, pissing on people" isn't something a normal person will do + let's use your own logic here ,it's a comment section ffs!don't like someone's comment?then don't fucking open the comment section and don't open the thread and don't fucking read the comments easy right?
That is why we defend dont like dont read but people like '' itiswhatitis'' are the ones who always go extreme and disturb people. I think these people are projecting bcz no way they can be so obsessive bashing... TanyaDegurechaff
Y'all deserve even more extreme stuff trust me ,yes "DON'T LIKE? DON'T READ" so why tf are you reading our comments lol just ignore??
Hayır! Ama önce sen söyledin, yani geri söylemem gerekiyor, değil mi? Yoksa babam hakkındaki boktan yorumundan sonra sadece sessiz mi kalacağımı sandın?
That is why we defend dont like dont read but people like '' itiswhatitis'' are the ones who always go extreme and disturb people. I think these people are projecting bcz no way they can be so obsessive bashing... TanyaDegurechaff
sighh i definitely agree with your mindset tanya, harassing and attacking people just because they enjoy disturbing fiction is such nonsense... reading ≠ being the doer of the dark/weird/whatever media.. spreading unnecessary hate and normalizing the harassment of others is what is making fandoms anything other than safe spaces nowadays and this saddens me greatly. people are so obsessed with being pure, reading only good media or reading problematic media in a "god honoring" way lmao
yall are actually so weak if you cant comprehend piss drinking, ngl. "i need to cleanse my eyes" "i regret seeing that" "thats actually insane" bro what are you DOING here. bring back dont like, dont read