Lmfao as good as the sex scene was in ch64 I couldn't stop laughing everytime the author d...

guineapigslayer February 24, 2025 7:46 am

Lmfao as good as the sex scene was in ch64 I couldn't stop laughing everytime the author drew Jaekyung's wide-eyed cartoonishly shocked expression at being rejected multiple times. I still hate Kim Dan but round of applause for him for atleast gaining some self-worth.

    dareader February 24, 2025 7:49 am

    why do u hate kim dan?

    guineapigslayer February 24, 2025 8:26 am
    why do u hate kim dan? dareader

    I'm not a fan of submissive pushover bottoms. He's constantly self-blaming, very easily manipulated, pathetic, has the personality of a wet rag - I feel like his entire personality is that he loves his grandma. He doesn't stand up for himself at all, and when he does, he doesn't enforce those boundaries and ends up allowing people to ignore and walk all over him. I understand the factors playing into why he acts the way he does, for example Jaekyung's manipulation, likely depressive disorder, etc. It doesn't change my view on Dan at all though. I just feel like overall Kim Dan is extremely boring, and lacking in personality

    dareader February 25, 2025 8:15 am
    I'm not a fan of submissive pushover bottoms. He's constantly self-blaming, very easily manipulated, pathetic, has the personality of a wet rag - I feel like his entire personality is that he loves his grandma.... guineapigslayer

    ohh, i see.