it's so simple to exit

aisha February 24, 2025 3:44 am

Don't like it? then exit. Not your cup of tea? Then don't read it. I don't see why its such a big deal that people have to comment about how they don't like this or whatnot. TeacherxStudent tropes are (surprise surprise) really popular on this site, and even then, this is more than just a "teacher preying on student" as some people claim it to be, like there's so much more depth to this story than that. AND I'D JUST LIKE TO EMPHASISE THIS DOESN'T EVEN HAVE SMUT (like all the other teacherxstudent tropes I've seen)

    dpwkdiii February 24, 2025 6:49 am

    Thank youuuuuuuu cuz why am I seeing ppl comment “ at ch XX dropped bc ew gross teacher student such a vile and gross fetish thing u guys really like grooming and abuse huh” whole time why would u click on it if yk u hate teacherxstudent and 2nd, as u said, this isn’t one of them wack ass fetish pornographic stories!!!!! Personally, I don’t enjoy student teacher tropes usually but this manhwa is deeper than thaaaaat

    Bref, thank you for saying it

    cobrakai1972 February 24, 2025 8:02 am

    No literallyyyy, they are so annoying with their justice bullshit and how this is wrong but yada yada like shut up

    polaris February 24, 2025 5:26 pm

    i was not a fan of such gaps, but you can actually see the richness of the story. It is making me intrigued. There was no predatory context (yet, i hope so. Woori have made their roles clear always) It's just that the progress of the story makes me want to see more of this. No hate bro

    Nadii February 25, 2025 12:36 pm

    Exactly, why do they click on every single chapter and complain?? Just drop the story and let other people enjoy it. Obviously something like that would not be okay in real life but the way the premise is set up, there is no grooming or manipulation happening, especially since they just met and she isn’t even HIS teacher just a part timer who works at the school.

    etien February 25, 2025 4:12 pm

    I like this series and been defending it whenever I had time, but honestly, commenting is anyone's right here. Some say they like it, some say they don't. No biggie, live and let live ppl :)

    Nadii February 25, 2025 5:19 pm
    I like this series and been defending it whenever I had time, but honestly, commenting is anyone's right here. Some say they like it, some say they don't. No biggie, live and let live ppl :) etien

    I get that, it’s just annoying when i expect to see a normal conversation about the chapters content, but instead the majority of comments are telling the author to drop the comic yk??

    cobrakai1972 February 26, 2025 3:55 pm
    I like this series and been defending it whenever I had time, but honestly, commenting is anyone's right here. Some say they like it, some say they don't. No biggie, live and let live ppl :) etien

    No duh, but we also have the right to call them out on their hypocritical behavior.

    aisha February 26, 2025 4:04 pm

    yall I was lowkey scared I was gonna get cancelled cuz I thought a lot of people were disagreeing with me when I saw so many replies to my comment but I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who feels frustrated at those type of commentors

    aisha February 26, 2025 4:09 pm
    I like this series and been defending it whenever I had time, but honestly, commenting is anyone's right here. Some say they like it, some say they don't. No biggie, live and let live ppl :) etien

    u say that commenting is anyone's right here but u replied to my comment specifically, no hate, but by your logic it's also my right to call those ppl out on their bs, yes? It's good that you like this series and you've been defending it, but shouldn't you have just "live and let ppl live"? Tho I appreciate your stand as it makes sense ty <3

    cobrakai1972 February 26, 2025 4:17 pm
    u say that commenting is anyone's right here but u replied to my comment specifically, no hate, but by your logic it's also my right to call those ppl out on their bs, yes? It's good that you like this series a... aisha

    LMAOOO u ate that girl

    erzascarlet March 18, 2025 3:59 am

    still gross

    cobrakai1972 March 18, 2025 4:03 am
    still gross erzascarlet

    leave then, stop interacting with things you find gross makes it sound like youre trying to convince yourself not us

    erzascarlet March 18, 2025 4:06 am
    leave then, stop interacting with things you find gross makes it sound like youre trying to convince yourself not us cobrakai1972

    I am, I just thought this story was a cute studentxstudent one but it ain’t. If this was a male teacher it would’ve been frown upon.. just saying no matter if it’s fiction or not, it’s still wrong to have relations with a student while she’s a grown woman. Setting women back 40 years lol

    cobrakai1972 March 18, 2025 4:14 am
    I am, I just thought this story was a cute studentxstudent one but it ain’t. If this was a male teacher it would’ve been frown upon.. just saying no matter if it’s fiction or not, it’s still wrong to ha... erzascarlet

    LMAOOO says the one scrolling thru the comments; one a month ago might i add. youre not leaving anytime soon hypocrite. frown upon?? there is ML teacher x FL student too, its not the most moral story of all times of course but its not like we are romanticizing it irl, ppl who do that than thats its their problem. setting women back 40 years is insane like this is fiction bro..... why dont you be fr? just bc you complain about forbidden topics in stories doesnt mean that they will never be created again, yandere, red flag, gang member love interests or dark romance or thriller and horror will always be created. just know how to separate reality and fiction and your life will be so much more chill and u wont have to feel like there is a stick up your ass LOL

    aisha March 18, 2025 8:08 am
    I am, I just thought this story was a cute studentxstudent one but it ain’t. If this was a male teacher it would’ve been frown upon.. just saying no matter if it’s fiction or not, it’s still wrong to ha... erzascarlet

    and which part in the story did the woman have a relationship with the student? Did we even read the same story? The fl has established multiple times that she does not like the student because she herself knows that it is wrong to have romantic relationships as teacher and student.

    aisha March 18, 2025 8:12 am
    I am, I just thought this story was a cute studentxstudent one but it ain’t. If this was a male teacher it would’ve been frown upon.. just saying no matter if it’s fiction or not, it’s still wrong to ha... erzascarlet

    I hate hypocrites like you the most. You claim it's gross, you claim it's wrong, but you somehow wandered a month into the comments, why, were you looking for similar disapproving comments like yours so you can justify your hypocrisy?