Thank youuuuuuuu cuz why am I seeing ppl comment “ at ch XX dropped bc ew gross teacher student such a vile and gross fetish thing u guys really like grooming and abuse huh” whole time why would u click on it if yk u hate teacherxstudent and 2nd, as u said, this isn’t one of them wack ass fetish pornographic stories!!!!! Personally, I don’t enjoy student teacher tropes usually but this manhwa is deeper than thaaaaat
Bref, thank you for saying it

Exactly, why do they click on every single chapter and complain?? Just drop the story and let other people enjoy it. Obviously something like that would not be okay in real life but the way the premise is set up, there is no grooming or manipulation happening, especially since they just met and she isn’t even HIS teacher just a part timer who works at the school.

u say that commenting is anyone's right here but u replied to my comment specifically, no hate, but by your logic it's also my right to call those ppl out on their bs, yes? It's good that you like this series and you've been defending it, but shouldn't you have just "live and let ppl live"? Tho I appreciate your stand as it makes sense ty <3
Don't like it? then exit. Not your cup of tea? Then don't read it. I don't see why its such a big deal that people have to comment about how they don't like this or whatnot. TeacherxStudent tropes are (surprise surprise) really popular on this site, and even then, this is more than just a "teacher preying on student" as some people claim it to be, like there's so much more depth to this story than that. AND I'D JUST LIKE TO EMPHASISE THIS DOESN'T EVEN HAVE SMUT (like all the other teacherxstudent tropes I've seen)