Fr! It's a bit much to blush when u see an ikemen. The last time I saw an ikemen, with a very beautiful face & nice body, not like too skinny or too jacked but u can tell those r working muscles not just for show, & I can swear I understand why men went to war for beauty, I did not blush. I just stared at him for a few sec without blinking until I was pushed (it was a very crowded situation).
TMI, I start smiling & laughing when I blush. I know that but can't control the symptoms. Anyways, after the very few initial seconds all I did was exclaim "wow" to myself

Oml it happens to me all the time!!!!
I have a pretty bad anxiety so I get nervous easily when talking in public, meeting new ppl, talking to good looking ppl and so on... So I sometimes blush and stutter a bit lol
Tbh it's not like I get nervous cause I'm flirting with them or I'm thinking anything about they being gorgeous, it's just that I'm already bad with ppl ( ̄∇ ̄")
Also my family is japanese and some ppl told me it's common for asians to blush easily, but Idk if it's true or ppl just think so due to mangas
Real talk tho, how easily do ppl actually blush when talking to physically good-looking ppl? I rarely ever blush and when I talk to extremely gorgeous ppl I’ve never blushed just from talking to them?? At most I just think to myself “oh wow this person is gorgeous” and just move on with my day. But this is coming from someone who never blushes/feels their face heat up unless they’re in an extremely embarrassing situation. So maybe its different for others who turn red easily.