Listen, you dumbfuck mad bitch, I’ve already said this like 10,000 times, but I don’t read this shit. I just come here to trigger your pedo ass that sees "shotacon and pedophilia" as something normal. And just like you can keep reading, I can keep hating on this too, you retarded slut. I can clearly see who’s whining here—mentioning the hate comments every damn time and crying about it. "WAHH WAHHH, how can people hate pedophiles?" That’s how y’all sound.This doesn't do shit as I don't even read it but triggering your mad pedo ass is quite fun indeed.FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH YOUR PEDO DELUSIONAL ASS
Mfs needs to chill out and gtfo lmao this is a manga where the characters have naturally purple and pink hair, big eyes that is 90% of their faces and have dots . for nose. Be serious for once and go donate to unicef or other charitys to help real children instead of some colorful non breathing scribbles on a screen