Can someone help me find this manga where the seme(probably since it's shounen ai) a Japan...

Anachan May 14, 2017 3:12 pm

Can someone help me find this manga where the seme(probably since it's shounen ai) a Japanese man goes to a different country to soothe his broken heart and due to language trouble faces problem. Is given a room in too bad condition so he moves out and finds a cafe where the owner knows his native language, is a mixed blood. The man's starts living with him and help him in his shop in return for him to stay in there. Soon he starts to forget the pain of his broken heart and starts falling in love with the coffee shop owner. After some time when he decides to tell him about his feelings he finds that the owner is already in relationship with another man who helps him providing the shop. Once again broken hearted when he decides to return to his country he finds out that the shop owner was going to close his shop. Knowing that there will be no way to contact him again he tells him during the time they spent together he fell in love with him and the owner repeats it was the same for him too. So the next time he decides to visit that country he will find him to own his own shop and that time he would like him to stay for longer to help him.
It's such a nice story and the art is good too. It's a chapter of a multiple story manga. Please help me find this one. TQ.
