Duke Esyrenne's silhouette looks fine but I HOPE I'M WRONG CAUSE BLUD AIN'T WORTH THE LOOK...

readerguwon February 23, 2025 3:23 pm

Duke Esyrenne's silhouette looks fine but I HOPE I'M WRONG CAUSE BLUD AIN'T WORTH THE LOOKS FOR-- [not gonna spoil but he made mine and Mikhail's blood boil] AND I IMAGINED HIM UGLY IN THE NOVEL

    Its just name February 23, 2025 5:29 pm

    Please spoil me, he ain't gonna grape yuri or anyone else precious to Michail right?

    readerguwon February 24, 2025 9:31 am
    Please spoil me, he ain't gonna grape yuri or anyone else precious to Michail right? Its just name

    Thankfully he did not!! But he did abduct Yuri by ordering some men to capture him, and during the kdn*pping Riena (Caleb's sister) almost got injured if it weren't for Yuri who revealed his identity and agreed to be taken away to duke Esyrenne, but that sly fox used t*rture methods to our Yuri! But Mikhail came to rescue him on time() and that son of a btch got what he deserved but... Yuri is traumatized after that event :((

    Ofc the novel is more in the comedy genre so the author did not make it too depressing but in that situation Yuri was terrified and just needs a hug from Mikhail